
“We rise by lifting others” – Robert Ingersoll 

  • Caroline Springs, Victoria, Australia


92 Bowery St., NY 10013


+1 800 123 456 789


Veer Foundation Australia respects your right to privacy and we recognise the trust you place in us through your dealings with us. We are committed to protecting your privacy.

Veer Foundation has obligations to protect your personal information under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Australian Privacy Principles and general law. The personal information you provide us remains confidential and is only used for the purposes outlined below


Personal information means information or an opinion about an identified person or a person who is reasonably identifiable. Examples of personal information include your name, address and contact details.
Sensitive information is a subset of personal information and includes information or an opinion on things like your race or ethnic origin, philosophical beliefs, political opinions, or religious beliefs or affiliations.


We collect personal information about individuals including supporters, volunteers, contractors and employees for the purposes of carrying out our business, including fundraising activities. The types of personal information we commonly collect include:
• your name and date of birth (to help us identify you)
• your contact details such as address, phone number and email address
• a history of your donations, correspondence and other interactions with us
• your employer details, if you participate in workplace giving, and
• credit card or bank account details.
Sometimes we might collect sensitive information because we want to know what makes you passionate about poverty and justice issues so we can better communicate with you.
This information is used so we can notify you of developments within Veer Foundation Australia or events that may be of specific interest to you.
We endeavour to ensure that your information is only collected with your consent. You can decline or choose what information to provide to us (including being anonymous or using a pseudonym). However, without your personal information, we may not be able to meet your expectations. For example, you may not be able to obtain a tax deduction for your donation if you do not provide us with your personal information.


Where possible, your personal information is collected directly from you. This can be from donation forms, events or, through the website or by you giving information directly to Veer Foundation Australia staff.
We may also receive your personal information from third parties that have provided us with lists to identify prospective supporters. When we receive personal information about you from a third party, we will endeavour to ensure your consent was provided or it is reasonable to expect that you know this information was given to us and understand why it was provided.
If you provide personal information to us about someone else, you must ensure you are entitled to disclose that information to us without the need for us to take any additional steps in respect to how we use and disclose that information. You must also ensure the individual concerned has given their consent.


We will use your personal information in connection with our business activities and will always treat your personal information as confidential. This may be to process donations, to send receipts, surveys, newsletters or updates about our programs, to conduct marketing and fundraising activities or to invite you to Veer Foundation Australia functions. We believe it is important for you to understand how your support is making a difference to the families and communities we serve. We may also send you requests for donations.
From time to time we may disclose your personal information (where relevant) to:
• volunteers, agents, contractors and third-party providers who we retain in connection with supporter activities including mail houses and printing companies
• third party providers such as travel agents who we retain in connection with Insight Trips
• contractors who we retain to provide services in connection with Veer Foundation Australia’s database or practices
• organisers or hosts of Veer Foundation Australia functions that you choose to attend
• people viewing a Veer Foundation Australia fundraising page on our website may see your name and donation amount if you do not choose to remain anonymous when you donate to a Veer Foundation Australia fundraiser
• affiliated Veer Foundation Australia’s International Support Members or Global personnel, or
• other entities as required by law.
In each instance your personal information will be provided to the third party for a limited and defined purpose. We also take reasonable steps to ensure that these organisations are bound by confidentiality obligations when handling your personal information. 

Veer Foundation Australia will not rent, sell or share your personal information with other charities or list brokers.


We may make changes to this policy from time to time without notice. Any changes will be reflected on this page. This policy was last updated in November 2021.