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    Massa eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi. Aliquam faucibus purus in massa nibh tellus tempor nec.

    What is the family violence?

    Family violence is very broad. It generally refers to violence which occurs between family members or partners or former partners.

    A lot of the time family violence is perpetrated by men against their partners and children.

    What are examples of family violence?

    • Preventing you from working
    • Controlling your earnings
    • Controlling your movements
    • Forcing you to ask for money
    • Preventing social contact
    • Monitoring your movements
    • Physical abuse
    • Sexual abuse
    • Abuse towards children
    • Threatening to harm himself if you don't act in a particular way
    • Threatening to harm you or your children
    • Insulting you in the presence of others
    • Making you fearful

    How do I report family violence and protect my safety?

    You should visit or call a local police station to report any incidents of family violence, no matter how small or large the incident may be.

    You can also call Veer for guidance or Mental wellbeing, Anxiety and Depression Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636

    Other support services are listed at https://www.veerfoundation.org.au/support-services/

    I need URGENT help, what should I do?

    For urgent help and life threating conditions, please contact Emergency services in your state.

    For Victorian Residents - Police 000

    Fire 000

    Ambulance 000

    Mental wellbeing, Anxiety and Depression Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636

    Other support services are listed at https://www.veerfoundation.org.au/support-services/

    Is family violence only physical?

    No, family violence can take many forms.

    Family violence can be physical, emotional, sexual or psychological abuse. It can include financial control. It can include behaviour such as threats to harm you or themselves.

    What is an IVO?

    IVO is a short form for Intervention Order. Intervention Order is a court order that protects you and your children (if applicable) from a family member that is violent against you.

    Breaching IVO is a serious matter for which the perpetrator can go to jail.

    If you have an IVO and the perpetrator breaches it, please report the breach to the police straight away.

    How do I apply for an IVO?

    Sometimes when you report the incident to the police the police will apply for an IVO on your behalf. 

    Otherwise you can apply at your nearest Magistrates Court. You can find your nearest Magistrates’ Court (External link)by searching on their website.

    You can also get help to apply for an intervention through VEER or by calling Victims of Crime Helpline on 1800 819 817.

    What are some of the signs of family violence?

    • You have stopped seeing your family and friends
    • You feel scared or anxious when you are around him
    • You feel less valued
    • You feel humiliated and insulted when he says something